Put i before e. Connect the words - an activity to connect words to the correct sentences.
Resources Worksheets Digraphs Worksheets Digraph Phonics Worksheets
Words with ie and ei.

Spelling words with ie and ei worksheets. The sound is ee so we spell the word with ie believe The sound is ee but directly follows c so we spell the word with ei. You can do the exercises online or download the worksheet as pdf. Students write each word one time.
This is a free beginner English grammar quiz and esl worksheet. The exceptions or some of them are noted. In this spelling worksheet students study a list of 20 words that all have the ie.
Explore fun printable activities for K-7 students covering math ELA science. Relieve priest relief chieftain grievous field belief yield thief shriek reprieve besiege piece pierce cashier reprieve brief sieve siege believe. Ei as in rec ei pt.
On this page are rules for spelling words with ie or ei along with examples of words that have the letters ie or ei. Words with ie and ei worksheet. If the sound is not ee then its ei This rule can be split into three word-types plus a very few exceptions which you may have to learn if you dont know them already.
Fill in the words - write the correct words worksheet. Th __ f br___ f fr___ nd gr___ f n___ce. Ie and ei words.
Get Free Access See Review. Relieve priest relief chieftain grievous field belief yield thief shriek reprieve besiege piece. Test yourself with our free English language quiz about Spelling- ie or ei.
Each spelling ie words in the two words in grammar or a single consonant digraph worksheets that we send out of able to the. This list has some of the words that break the rule i before e except after c but only when the sound is e. This Unit teaches you when to use ie and when to use ei.
Ie Words online worksheet for 3-4. IE words that fit the rule. Identify the pictures and write the correct words in the blocks.
Explore fun printable activities for K-7 students covering math ELA science. Achieve belief believe brief chief die field fierce friend grief grieve niece pie piece relief retrieve shield siege thief tie view yield. Printable word list - a useful printable resource of the word list.
Handwriting worksheets using the word list. 952020 Three spelling lessons that focus on -ei- and -ie- in a number of ways including getting children to identify words they know identify words in a passage consider rules and exceptions to the rule before completing a spelling test. When the sound is e write ie except after c.
For Students 5th - 6th. ALL ABOUT FEELINGSIE AND EI WORDS Spell the words correctly. Finish spelling these words.
Read the long vowel i words in the word bank. There are also starter tasks for the second and third lesson focusing on choosing the correct options. IE and EI words.
Ie as in f ie ld. Main contentVowel pairs ei and ie. Print worksheets using the word list.
Ie and ei words. They all have the long ē sound. Rel___ f f ___ ld y ____ ld v___w ach ___ ve.
8172020 This worksheet will help the child write the ie sound which can be confusing and also read ie words. First take a look at these words. Letters activity - eight words on one sheet cut-out letters on the other sheet.
Fill in the blank. Words with ie and ei. Correctly spelling ie and ei words.
Words with ei and ie. ALL ABOUT FEELINGSIE AND EI WORDS UNIT 1. Main contentIe and ei.
These printable pdf worksheets and resources are ideal for working offline. Maths and ei ie to assemble to spell the correct spelling. Printable worksheets and activities.
Ie and ei words.
This Download Is For A Worksheet To Practice Spelling Writing And Reading Words With The Following Long E Patterns Multisyllable Words Reading Words Long E
Difficult Spelling Words Aren T Impossible We Ll Show You Why Grade Spelling Spelling Bee Words Spelling Lists
Phonics Poster Ie Words Phonics Posters Phonics Words English Phonics
Ei Words Phonics Words English Phonics Phonics Posters
Digraphs Resources Have Fun Teaching Phonics Worksheets Digraph Phonics Blends
Vowel Blends Ie And Ei Worksheet Education Com In 2020 Vowel Learning Worksheets Worksheets
Vowel Blends Ei Eigh Ey Worksheet Education Com Phonics Worksheets Phonics Sounds Phonics
Difficult Spelling Words Aren T Impossible We Ll Show You Why Hard Spelling Words Spelling Bee Words Spelling Word Practice
Hey Neighbor Ie Or Ei How To Spell Words Writing Worksheets Writing Lesson Plans
Spelling Rule Exceptions For A Suffix Words That End In Y Spelling Rules Spelling Rules Activities Spelling Worksheets
Spelling Rules Words With Ible Spelling Rules Spelling Words
I Would Use A Chart Similar To This One When Teaching Students About The Ie Or Ei Rule In 2020 Teaching Spelling Teaching Phonics English Phonics
Spelling Rule Exceptions Worksheets I Before E Spelling Rules Spelling Worksheets Learn English Words
Spelling Rules Worksheets I Before E Spelling Rules Spelling Patterns Spelling Worksheets
Ie Words Phonics Posters Phonics Words English Phonics
Spelling Rules Ie And Ei Worksheet Free Esl Printable Worksheets Made By Teachers Spelling Rules Spelling Worksheets Teaching Spelling
Spelling Rules Ie And Ei Worksheet Free Esl Printable Worksheets Made By Teachers Spelling Rules Spelling Worksheets Teaching Spelling
Spelling Rule Exceptions For A Suffix Drop The Final E Spelling Rules Suffixes Worksheets Spelling Worksheets
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- percolator
- perfect
- performante
- personalized
- perth
- peter
- petis
- petsmart
- pexels
- pfizer
- phases
- philadelphia
- philippine
- philippines
- phone
- phones
- phonetic
- phonics
- photo
- photographers
- photography
- photos
- photoshop
- pick
- pickup
- pics
- picture
- pictures
- piece
- pindang
- pineapple
- pink
- pipe
- pisang
- pixabay
- pixel
- pizza
- place
- plan
- planet
- planner
- plant
- plastic
- play
- playlist
- playmat
- playstation
- plural
- plus
- plush
- pneumonia
- pnuemonia
- poffertjes
- pokedex
- pokemon
- poker
- polio
- polos
- polosan
- polyester
- polygel
- polymer
- pong
- pony
- popular
- porcelain
- porch
- porsche
- portable
- portrait
- positive
- post
- poster
- potion
- potos
- potter
- potty
- powder
- power
- powers
- practice
- prayer
- preexposure
- pregnancy
- premier
- prepare
- preparing
- prepasted
- preschool
- presenters
- press
- prestige
- pretty
- prevent
- price
- prices
- prima
- prince
- princess
- printable
- printables
- printed
- printers
- prints
- prison
- privacy
- private
- problem
- problems
- process
- products
- professional
- profile
- promo
- prompt
- property
- pros
- protector
- pssa
- psychedelic
- puding
- pudot
- pulsar
- pumpkin
- pumps
- puppy
- purba
- purchase
- purchases
- purple
- purpose
- putih
- puzzle
- pyroar
- quadrivalent
- quality
- quest
- questions
- quiz
- quotes
- rabbit
- rabbits
- rabies
- raccoons
- racing
- radha
- radiator
- radio
- ragi
- ragnarok
- raid
- rain
- rainbow
- rainforest
- raised
- ramen
- rams
- ramuan
- random
- range
- ranger
- rare
- rasa
- rash
- rated
- rawon
- reaction
- read
- reading
- ready
- real
- really
- reasonable
- reasors
- rebel
- rebuild
- reception
- recife
- recipe
- recipes
- record
- recording
- records
- redskins
- reef
- regional
- registry
- relationship
- release
- released
- removable
- remove
- remover
- renceng
- rendang
- renewal
- rentals
- renyah
- repsol
- require
- required
- research
- resep
- residue
- resolution
- respect
- respiration
- restaurant
- results
- resume
- retained
- retrieve
- retro
- returns
- reverse
- reversi
- review
- rexdl
- rhinovirus
- rica
- rice
- richardson
- richeese
- ring
- ripe
- roast
- robert
- roblox
- rock
- rockstar
- rogue
- rohanpreet
- roka
- rolade
- role
- roll
- rolling
- romantic
- room
- rooms
- rosa
- rose
- rotavirus
- roti
- round
- rounding
- router
- rover
- royal
- royalty
- rujak
- rule
- rules
- rumahan
- running
- rustic
- sable
- sachet
- sahara
- saikoro
- sailboat
- saints
- sakura
- salad
- sale
- saltwater
- sambal
- sampai
- sample
- sams
- samsung
- santa
- santan
- sapi
- sapphire
- sarah
- sarang
- sarden
- saree
- sars
- sate
- satisfied
- saus
- sausages
- save
- savers
- sayings
- sayur
- scalamandre
- scary
- scene
- scenery
- scenes
- scenic
- schedule
- schwarz
- science
- scotland
- screen
- screensaver
- screensavers
- scrub
- seagrass
- season
- sebelah
- secret
- secure
- security
- sederhana
- seeds
- segar
- self
- sell
- sempol
- semprit
- semur
- semut
- send
- seniors
- sensory
- sentence
- sentences
- sepia
- sequel
- series
- setan
- sets
- seuss
- sexually
- shadowlands
- shalom
- shamrock
- sharingan
- shed
- sheets
- shell
- shells
- shield
- shingles
- shingrix
- shinies
- shiny
- ship
- shirt
- shiva
- shoes
- shop
- shopify
- Short
- shots
- should
- shower
- shree
- shrimp
- shrink
- shuffle
- side
- siege
- sight
- sign
- signs
- silhouette
- silky
- silver
- simple
- singaparna
- singapore
- singer
- singh
- singkong
- sink
- sinus
- siser
- sita
- site
- sites
- size
- sizer
- skills
- skin
- skippy
- skotel
- skull
- skyline
- sleep
- slice
- slideshow
- slim
- slipknot
- slots
- small
- smallpox
- smart
- smartphone
- smooth
- snapchat
- snow
- sobek
- soir
- solar
- solid
- solutions
- song
- songs
- soto
- souls
- sound
- sounds
- soup
- south
- southwest
- sparkle
- speak
- speakers
- spectra
- speech
- spellers
- spelling
- spider
- spirit
- splash
- spongebob
- spoonflower
- Sport
- sports
- spring
- springs
- squeaky
- squirrel
- staar
- stadium
- stainless
- stanley
- star
- starbucks
- starcraft
- starry
- stars
- start
- statements
- status
- stay
- steam
- stemmed
- step
- steps
- steve
- steven
- stick
- sticker
- stickers
- sticks
- stik
- stock
- stone
- storage
- store
- stores
- stories
- story
- stove
- strategy
- strathmore
- stream
- streaming
- street
- striped
- strips
- stroke
- strokes
- student
- study
- studyblue
- stuffed
- stumps
- style
- subreddits
- subscribe
- subtraction
- subwoofer
- suit
- sukun
- sumif
- summary
- summer
- sumsum
- sunda
- sunrise
- sunset
- sunshine
- super
- superhero
- superkids
- supply
- supreme
- surveillance
- survival
- susu
- suwir
- swab
- swamy
- swan
- swimsuits
- switch
- sword
- sync
- table
- tablet
- tacoma
- tahu
- takaran
- take
- talking
- tamil
- tank
- tanpa
- tape
- taste
- tattoo
- tcha
- tdap
- teacher
- teachers
- teal
- team
- tech
- telur
- tempe
- template
- templates
- tennessee
- tense
- tepung
- terasi
- teri
- terigu
- teriyaki
- term
- terong
- terraria
- test
- tetanus
- tetra
- texas
- text
- texture
- textured
- thanksgiving
- thanos
- that
- themed
- there
- thermos
- this
- three
- thursday
- tick
- ticket
- tickets
- tiered
- tiger
- tiktok
- tile
- tiles
- time
- timesheet
- timetables
- tinder
- today
- toddler
- toddlers
- tofu
- tokyo
- tomato
- tongkol
- tooth
- toppers
- touch
- toxic
- toys
- trace
- tracing
- track
- tracker
- tractor
- tradisional
- traditional
- traditions
- trailer
- train
- trampoline
- transparan
- transparent
- travel
- tree
- trek
- trellis
- trello
- trend
- trial
- trials
- tripping
- tropical
- truck
- trumpet
- trust
- tulang
- tulip
- tumblr
- tumis
- tuna
- tupac
- turkey
- tuscan
- tween
- twerking
- twitch
- type
- types
- ubud
- ucapan
- udaipur
- udang
- ultra
- unemployment
- unique
- unit
- united
- university
- unlock
- unlv
- unsplash
- untuk
- update
- urdu
- used
- usually
- uttermost
- vaccinate
- vaccination
- vaccinations
- vaccine
- vaccines
- valle
- value
- vampire
- varicella
- vector
- vegetable
- vehicle
- venkanna
- venkateswara
- venom
- venues
- verizon
- versace
- version
- very
- victorian
- victory
- video
- videos
- vinegar
- vintage
- vinyl
- virus
- vision
- vocabulary
- vogue
- volkswagen
- vsco
- vuitton
- walgreens
- wall
- wallpaper
- wallpapers
- walls
- walmart
- warfare
- warm
- wart
- wash
- washington
- watch
- water
- watercolor
- waterproof
- wattpad
- wave
- weather
- website
- websites
- wedding
- wednesday
- weekly
- weightlifting
- weights
- welcome
- west
- wetsuits
- what
- when
- where
- which
- whipped
- white
- whooping
- wide
- widescreen
- wien
- wifi
- wild
- wildflower
- will
- wilton
- window
- windows
- windshield
- wine
- wings
- winsor
- winter
- wire
- wireless
- wish
- wishes
- with
- without
- wolf
- wolves
- woman
- women
- womens
- wonderland
- wood
- wooden
- word
- wordproblems
- words
- work
- workers
- working
- works
- worksheet
- worksheets
- worksheetscom
- world
- wortel
- woven
- wrangler
- wrap
- wrappers
- wrapping
- wraps
- write
- writing
- xanderskitchen
- xbox
- xmas
- xoxo
- yang
- yantra
- yayın
- year
- years
- yeezy
- york
- young
- younger
- your
- youtube
- yurt
- zealand
- zebra
- zenitsu
- zenske
- zero
- zone
- zorua
- zucchini
- żywo
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_____ _____ Date Time Antecedent What happened immediately before behavior Behavior Consequence What happened immediately after behavior Com...
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